我們相信基督徒一生都需要悔改轉向神,因為人犯罪得罪了神虧缺了神的榮耀。耶穌基督在十字架上流血捨命救贖了我們,使凡相信他的人罪得赦免與神和好。聖靈光照我們叫我們認自己的罪,不管是過去的還是現在的、明顯的還是隱而未現的,支取耶穌基督的寶血功效洗淨我們的罪。耶穌基督應允我們:「你們若認自己的罪,神是信實的、是公義的,必要赦免我們的罪、洗淨我們一切的不義。」當我們接受了神的赦罪之恩,就可以把這罪得赦免與神和好的福音傳給許許多多不認識主的人。(以賽亞書53:5, 約翰福音1:29, 使徒行傳2:38, 羅馬書3:23約翰壹書1:9)
我們相信教會存在的目的是裝備眾聖徒,活出基督的見證,傳揚天國的福音,完成主的大使命。教會是基督的身體,一個真實的普世教會(又稱為宇宙性的教會)是由重生的信徒所組成,而這個普世教會是由在不同地區的地方教會所組成。(馬太福音5:13-16,28:18-20;以弗所書 4:11-16;使徒行傳15:22;馬太福音16:18)
婚姻是神賜給人的禮物,是神祝福人的一個具體管道。一男一女彼此相愛,結成夫妻同心同行,建立家庭生養子女,把神的愛傳給下一個世代。神按照他的形象造男造女,為要祝福他們。神說:「人要離開父母與妻子聯合,二人成為一體。」當一對男女相遇、相知、相愛、又彼此委身、願意組成家庭,神就祝福他們兩人結合成為夫妻,生兒育女,把神的恩典傳給後代子孫。丈夫當愛妻子像愛自己的身體一樣,妻子當順服丈夫如同順服主一樣。做父母的按照主所教訓的教導兒女,引導兒女信靠主、得救恩。夫妻又當在他們所居住的社區裏做鹽做光,敬老尊賢,照顧有需要的人,帶領人歸信基督。(創世記1:27-28, 2:18,24; 以弗所書5:22&28, 6:4; 雅各書1:27)
Our Beliefs
Bread of Life Christian Church in Chicago holds the following beliefs based on the complete Holy Bible inspired by God in order to learn the will of God and the salvation of our Lord Jesus Christ. (Ephesians 1:17; John 4:34, 5:30, 6:37; Matthew 26:39, 42)
We believe the complete Bible original is the inspiration of God, inerrant, infallible and holds the authority and standard of living for born again Christians. The Old Testament and the New Testament combined together is the canon of God’s word, illustrating the love of God toward the world and humanity and bestowing the path to salvation and reconciliation between men and God. (II Timothy 3:16), Revelation 22:18, 19)
We believe the everlasting God, the creator of the heaven and the earth, who is the only true God, reveals Himself as God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the triune God, is also our savior. (Genesis 1:1, I Timothy 2:5-6, Revelation 1:4-6)
Jesus Christ
We believe Jesus Christ is the only begotten son of God, incarnated through the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary. He is the complete God and the complete man. He loves us, was willing to die for us for our sins. He was crucified on the cross, buried, descended to hell, rose again from death on the third day and ascended to heaven. He will come again in the end time as He promised and bring in a new heaven and earth and Jerusalem. (Luke 1:26-35; John 1:14-18, 10:18; Isaiah 7:14, 9:6; I Corinthian 15:1-4; I Timothy 4:13-18; Revelation 21:1-2)
Holy Spirit
We believe the Holy Spirit was sent by our heavenly Father, is the spirit of Jesus Christ, one in the triune God. The Holy Spirit shares the same nature, authority, grace and glory with God the Father and the Son. He is the spirit of truth and the other comforter given by the Father to all believers. He will glorify Jesus, testify for Jesus and convict the world of her sin, righteousness and judgment. The Holy Spirit lives with Christians individually and collectively forever, leads Christians into all truth and intercedes for Christians with unutterable groaning. The indwelling of the Holy Spirit sanctifies Christians, produces the fruit of the Spirit in Christian characters. At the same time, gives Christians the gifts of the Holy Spirit enabling them to serve one another and building up the church, and these gifts have not ceased to exist in the present day. Christians are to yield to the Holy Spirit, renew our lives, become Christ-like and announce the salvation of our Lord Jesus Christ to the world. We also need to pursue God and the gifts of the Holy Spirit to build up the body of Christ which is the Church. (John 3:5-8, 14:16-18, 15:26, 16:7-11; Romans 12:6-8; I Corinthians 12:1; Galatians 5:22, 23)
We believe men were created in the image of God; however, men sinned and became sinners, are depraved totally without any hope for self-correction; and need salvation from God to be reconciled with Him. God loves the world, gives His only begotten son to us, all who believe in Him will not perish but have eternal life. Therefore, salvation is the free gift from God. Men are to receive Jesus Christ the Son of God as their personal savior in order to be freed from the bondage of sins. Men’s sins cannot be redeemed through human works, but the shed blood of Jesus Christ on the cross. As a result, we are forgiven and saved from the punishment of sins. (Genesis 1:26, 27, 3:1-7; John 3:16; Romans 5:12, 18; Ephesians 2:8-9; Hebrews 9:11-12, 22)
We believe every Christian is going through a journey of repentance by confessing one’s sins and turning away from them to glorify God. Men have sinned against God, fallen short of the glory of God. Jesus redeemed us with His sacrificial blood, for those who believe in Him shall be set free from sins and reconciled with God. The Holy Spirit enlightens us and convicts us of our sins and iniquities, be them of the past or the present, of obvious or hidden, we need to confess our sins, and appropriate the blood of Jesus to cleanse our sins. Lord Jesus Christ has promised us: “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and cleanse us from all our iniquities.” Once we receive the grace of forgiveness, we will be able to tell others about the gospel of forgiveness of sins and the reconciliation with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. (Isaiah 53:5, John 1:29, Romans 3:23, Acts 2:38, I John 1:9)
Christian Church
We believe the Church of Christ was ransomed by the blood of Jesus shed on the cross; is the house of the Lord, the body of Jesus Christ, the foundation of truth; is established for the purpose of equipping the saints, spreading the gospel, witnessing for the resurrection of Jesus, and fulfilling the great commission throughout the world. The Church of Jesus Christ is a universal church in reality, including believers of Christ Jesus from all ages, as well as location, who are called by God to be born again by and through the Holy Spirit out of this world to be children of God, and worship the triune God in spirit and in truth. Bread of Life Christian Church is a local church in current days within this universal church, receives calling and anointing from God to equip the saints to be servants of God and to serve the community of the city of Chicago and the Northshore area. (Matthew 5:13-16, 16:18, 28:18-20; Acts 15:22, 20:28; Ephesians 4:11-16; I Timothy 3:15)
We believe marriage is ordained by God as a blessing to men and women. God created men and women in the image of God and blessed them. God said, “A man shall leave his father and mother, cleave unto his wife; and they shall be one flesh.” When a man and a woman find each other, commit to each other, love each other, and marry to each other to form a family; bear children and walk with God together, in order to pass on the grace of God to the next generation. The husband should love his wife like his own body, the wife should submit to her husband as unto the Lord. The husband and wife together should rear their children, and lead them to receive the salvation of Jesus Christ and to lead a godly lifestyle. The husband and wife shall be a light in the community they live in respecting the elders, taking care of the needy and leading many to receive God. (Genesis 1:27-28, 2:18,24; Ephesians 5:22, 28, 6:4; James 1:27)
Final Judgment
We believe Jesus Christ will come again in glory in the end time, and He will judge the whole world. Satan is a spiritual being in person, is the king of this world, is like a roaring lion walks about seeking the one he may devour; he and his followers have been judged, and will be thrown into the lake of fire at the end of time. Christ Jesus will come again in the last day judge the living and the dead. The non-believers will be raised for eternal punishment; the believers will be raised and receive eternal life, and they will reign with God forever. (Matthew 25:41; Mark 9:43-48; II Timothy 1:9; I Peter 5:8; Revelation 20:10-15, 22:5)